Also, just a little reminder for interested parties that I do have a newish personal/poetry blog at http://doppelgangrene.blogspot.com/ where I sometimes write about Blood Pudding Press stuff, sometimes write about my own personal poetry stuff, and sometimes write about other literary matters.
XO. Juliet Cook
P.S. In other indie press related news, I only have ONE copy remaining of MONDO CRAMPO, my recent pussylicious poeyry chapbook published through the dusie kollektiv 3. Here's a mini review by poet/editor Brooklyn Copeland:
‘The design is cool and the poems are so very Juliet Cook. Meaning, I can't read them before bed or before eating. I can safely read Juliet's poems between the hours of 12p and 4p. I love how inventive she is. I feel like she takes all the girly dressings and yummy fixings about which I am most nostalgic, puts them in a blender with her own blood and spit, and pours them into a cupcake pan for baking.’

Available (until it's not) via http://www.bloodpuddingpress.etsy.com/
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