
Blood Pudding Press will not be running a chapbook contest this year BUT does have a special offer this week

Since this is around the time of year when Blood Pudding Press has been running its poetry chapbook contest the last few years (in order to choose the few chapbooks to publish the next year), I've started to receive questions about when the contest will be taking place this year, when we'll be reading chapbook submissions next, and how to submit to Blood Pudding Press.

Here are the short answers.

-BLOOD PUDDING PRESS IS NOT GOING TO RUN A CHAPBOOK CONTEST THIS YEAR in order to choose which chapbooks to publish next year.

-BLOOD PUDDING PRESS IS NOT ACCEPTING CHAPBOOK SUBMISSIONS AT THIS TIME, unless I specifically solicit work from you or ask you to send me something for some reason.

-Blood Pudding Press is tentatively planning to take a mini-hiatus for 2016.  What's a mini-hiatus? Well, the press will still exist and the chapbooks we've published will still be available, but instead of  directing lots of time, attention, and energy on reading lots of new submissions, I will focus on continuing to support and promote the work that has already been published and considering how I might want to re-direct and re-work my press for the future.


Thirteen Myna Birds, the online blog style lit mag semi-associated with Blood Pudding Press, is still accepting submissions right now, although that forum might also be re-worked a bit in the coming year.


The Blood Pudding Press shop is still open as of right now, although that might be re-located to a different space within the coming year.


For one week, from NOW UNTIL (and including) DECEMBER 13, Blood Pudding Press will be running an extra-special holiday offer.

With any purchase you make that is $5 or more (of a chapbook, a chapbook set, art, or anything else), enter Coupon Code HOLIDAY2015 for 30% off your purchase.

AND in addition to that, each purchaser will be receiving one FREE ITEM too, as long as you note which FREE ITEM you'd like.

You can chose either a mini art piece OR one of the following Blood Pudding Press chapbooks:

"Bone of My Bone" by Nicole Rollender

"Pigeons and Peace Doves" by Matthew J. Hall

"Fiddle Is Flood" by Lauren Gordon

"They Talk About Death" by Alessandra Bava

"Stick Up" by Paul David Adkins

"House On Fire" by Susan Yount

"RENEGADE//HEART" by Lisa M. Cole

"Sister, Blood and Bone" by Paula Cary

"Poking through the Fabric..." by Lora Bloom

Visit the Blood Pudding Press shop to take advantage of this special offer - https://www.etsy.com/shop/BloodPuddingPress

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