
Now Officially Available - Cutting Eyes from Ghosts by Ariana D. Den Bleyker - the first Blood Pudding Press poetry chapbook of 2017!

The first Blood Pudding Press poetry chapbook of 2017 - "Cutting Eyes from Ghosts" by Ariana D. Den Bleyker is now officially available!

HERE - https://www.etsy.com/listing/494588398/new-cutting-eyes-from-ghosts-by-ariana-d?ref=shop_home_active_2

This chapbook contains 15 poems.

It is hand-bound and available in different colored covers and binding materials.

Pre-ordered copies will be mailed this week (before February 18) - and from here on out, any purchased copies will be heading your way within 1-3 business days


"bloodless, your mouth indefinitely, infinitely opening,
opening to commune with the dead, flood erasing you,

empty memory, willing, pliant, a body waiting
to say something, anything."

(from the poem "When We Die, There Will Be No Words, Just the Earth Between Our Teeth")

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