
Juliet Cook holding a copy of the new poetry anthology "Writing the Self-Elegy - The Past Is Not Disappearing Ink"!

Juliet Cook holding a copy of "Writing the Self-Elegy - The Past Is Not Disappearing Ink", edited by Kara Dorris (published by Southern Illinois University Press).
This is a poetry anthology, featuring more than 25 different poets, offering poems, short essays, and writing prompts.
Cook is delighted to be included, with three poems ("Deadly Doll Head Dissection" - "Self Portrait as a Slab on a Slab" - "Un-sided Self Portrait"), an essay ("Broken Doll Hands that had to Grow New Fingers") and a writing prompt ("Try It Yourself(ie): Word Control").
Cook is delighted to be in the company of many other wonderful and amazing and unique poets (and their poems, essays, writing prompts).
You can find out more and/or purchase a copy for yourself (or possibly for your classroom if you're a writing or English teacher) here - http://siupress.siu.edu/books/978-0-8093-3906-8

Here is a snippet from a back cover blurb by Petra Kuppers - "They also invite you into their fold: each poet offers prompts to the reader, as well as essayistic thoughts, de-mystifying and re-mystifying these acts of (inter)corporeal magic."

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