
New! Two individual poems by Juliet Cook and one collaborative poem by Cook and j/j hastain are appearing in the new Spring 2023 Issue of Misfit Magazine!

"The next time you assume
that I worship the same way as you,
all the wall hangings will violently crash,
all the splayed remnants will come back to life
in different incarnations. Thirteen mice
you killed without thinking twice

will emerge from my mouth, convulsing,
convoluted, hurling into screaming incantations,
their tiny skulls temporarily paralyzing you,
so that you can't keep on ignoring me."

(in Juliet Cook's poem "Thirteen Mice")

Cook is delighted to have three poems included in the NEW Issue No. 36, Spring 2023 of the fabulous Misfit Magazine!

Two new individual poems and one collaboration by j/j hastain and Juliet Cook!

Thank you very much to editor Alan Catlin and all the other poets involved!

Part of Catlin's Introduction to Misfit 36 - "To combat this free form absurdity, malaise, dread, etc. is why we write and read poetry. We have a wide, eclectic range of poets representing all kinds of diversity in voice, tone, and intent. There are the deeply personal poetry of sexual assault to the wildly experimental of Cook and hastain with a little bit of everything else in between."

A link to Cook and hastain's poems - http://misfitmagazine.net/archive/No-36/Cook.html

Thank you for reading! 

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