My first full-length poetry collection--HORRIFIC CONFECTION--is now available as a BlazeVOX ebook.
Dripping with a darkly delectable cover designed by artist Christen Baer.
Oozing with my hideously succulent choking hazards posing as consumables.
It is FREE to read and download (a small print run will be creeping onto the scene later for those who might desire to hold it or lick it or spit on it).
Dig in if you dare and feel free to let me know how it tastes.
XO. Juliet Cook
"Your poetry has ruined my sex life." Thad Paulson
Sarah Palin denounces BlazeVOX [books]
In an odd twist on the campaign trail, Gov. Sarah Palin made a viscous attack on America’s cultural landscape, specifically mentioning BlazeVOX [books] a Buffalo, NY based publisher, as “Anti-American and unpatriotic.”
Standing before a sea of red T-shirts and homemade signs reading “No Communists!” and “Palin’s Pitbulls,” Ms. Palin on Tuesday nestled in to her Republican base. Ms. Palin struck at some of the same themes, portraying BlazeVOX [books] as a liberal poetry outlet with a “left-wing agenda that’s packaged and prettied up to look good like mainstream poetry.”
Mentioning poets as Kent Johnson, Michael Kelleher, Anne Waldman, Ted Greenwald, and others; and identifying BlazeVOX [books] founder and publisher, Geoffrey Gatza, as the man Cheney should have shot in the face!
Find out why you should support BlazeVOX [books] more than ever! Check out our new catalog and buy a book – if only to burn!
gorgeous covuh! *licks chops*
*runs off to download*
*covets hard copy*
I hope you like it!
And congrats on your impending chapbook with blossombones, which I just read about.
this is so lovely! ohmygoodness
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