
A New Review of EVIL ME by MISH (Blood Pudding Press, 2020) - Reviewed by Alex S. Johnson

A new review of MISH's poetry chapbook, "EVIL ME" (published by Blood Pudding Press in 2020). Reviewed by Alex S. Johnson.

After reading the review, you can find out more and/or acquire your own copy of "EVIL ME" from the Blood Pudding Press shop HERE - https://www.etsy.com/listing/856406887/evil-me-by-mish-2020-blood-pudding-press

"Mish Murphy is an educator and poet, among many other things. Her observations are keen and her lines are wickedly inscribed into the page, bearing the impress of years. She can read French and Russian and negotiate the nuances of Nicolai Gogol, or render judgment on whether Sisyphus should truly be considered happy, while at the same time sitting back with a glass of vodka rocks in one hand and a joint in the other, easing life's cruelties with class, sophistication and a sense of humor that transcends the usual hipster scorn. She has been there and done that. You should keep your eyes peeled for her future products. As for this particular production, it is lovingly hand-crafted by Juliet Cook, trailing tactile eccentricity. I highly recommend encountering Mish's Evil Me. You'll find a lot to admire."


And now two more new collaborative poems are up at Unlikely Stories, by Daniel Snethen and Juliet Cook - "Paisley Purpled Political Head Rotation" and "Until All Hope Is Gone"!

And now two more collaborative poems appearing at Unlikely Stories, by Daniel Snethen and Juliet Cook - "Paisley Purpled Political Head Rotation" and "Until All Hope Is Gone".
Thank you very much to Unlikely Stories!
"In this dream, they wished to be the captains
of a tiny ship swimming in a tidy kitchen sink.
Then the sink massively expanded.
In this nightmare, the ship ended
in an enormous public restroom
urinal about to be flushed."


NEW! Two collaborative poems by Juliet Cook and Alex S. Johnson are making an appearance in Unlikely Stories - "Momia's Metamorphoses" and "Momia's Mauled Metamorphoses" !

Alex S. Johnson and Juliet Cook have two collaborative poems, "Momia's Metamorphoses" and "Momia's Mauled Metamorphoses" on Unlikely Stories Mark V!

Thank you very much to Unlikely Stories!

"I don't fit inside a doll house
I am not a vampire, but I endlessly sleep in a coffin
Bloodless. I scare little girls
without even speaking. Stale swaths
of dirty hair are stuck inside my mouth
Cover my dead eyes. I want to turn my hair
into flying insects. I want to turn my head
around and around in different directions"


NEW! Juliet Cook is peculiarly thrilled to have a creepy collaborative clown poem appearing in Horror Sleaze Trash!

"...in which a strained 
amalgamation of Snow White’s Stepmother applies a ton of clown makeup
to cover up her aging face, then stares at her evil clown head until
every mirror cracks, the glass breaks through the windows,
the windmill splits in half, revolving clown heads drip with blood

in Alex S. Johnson and Juliet Cook's creepy collaborative clown poem, "Greasepaint Inferno", which is now making an appearance within Horror Sleaze Trash HERE - https://horrorsleazetrash.com/2024/06/29/juliet-cook-and-alex-s-johnson/


NEW! Juliet Cook is delighted to have four collaborative poems appearing in the latest issue of Misfit!

Delighted to have four collaborative poems appearing in the new Issue No. 38, Spring 2024 of Misfit!

Two poems by Daniel G. Snethen and me - and two poems by j/j hastain and me.

You can read them and many more poems HERE - http://misfitmagazine.net/archive/No-38/Cook.html

The last time she took You out,
the garbage man picked You up.
They tried recycling You
but your zinc hide would not cooperate.
You lacked both ductility and malleability.

Somehow, You taught yourself
how to glare at potting soil until it turned
into rotting oil, then fish gills, then a living fish
that needed a home in your bathtub. You locked
your mom out, replaced her with your new catfish.

in the poem "Retrogradation of You" by Juliet Cook and Daniel G. Snethen


NEW! Juliet Cook is excited and delighted to have two poems appearing in the 20th anniversary issue of Sein und Werden!

Juliet Cook is excited and delighted to have two haiku poems appearing in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Sein und Werden! The theme of this issue is To Settle a Score and it's the 20th anniversary issue of this magazine! Here is one of her two poems, called "VIOLENT DREAD" and if you visit the link to the magazine (below the poem), it appears next to an art piece called "SELF-PORTRAIT (UNDEFINED HORROR)" by Julie Blankenship. I love the poem and art piece next to each other. ***

Every bit of depth
shot down into dread. Psycho
babbling brooks with hooks.
If internal angst
internally combusts, eyes
will explode. My head
a human-sized blood
bath of burnt dumplings. Sauced out.
Splattering your plate.
It's hard to believe that this is the 20th anniversary issue of Sein und Werden and that I've had creative work appearing in this literary magazine (on and off) ever since Sein und Werden began. Sein's creator, primary editor, and writer Rachel Kendall and I first got to know each other on xanga (a blog platform that hasn't existed for years). It's hard to keep a literary magazine alive for this long, so cheers to Rachel. This issue also includes some Interviews with Rachel, such as an Interview about The Storied History of Sein und Werden.
I shall stop my babbling for now, but again, I'm delighted to be included in this 20th anniversary issue and will place a link to the whole issue below...


Happy June from Blood Pudding Press! Have you seen the new White Octopus chapbook?

Happy first week of June!

Now newly available in the Blood Pudding Press shop (and less than a week old), is the poetry chapbook, "White Octopus" by Davide Nixon!

The first new Blood Pudding Press poetry chapbook of 2024!

12 poems brimming with creepy speculative horror, grotesque creatures, and other peculiarities.

Find out more and acquire a copy in the Blood Pudding Press shop HERE - https://www.etsy.com/shop/BloodPuddingPress


"the old dead house
is finally
getting a rise
out of rain
and pain,
and sarcophagi brain-
a rummaging rodent
through fields,
climbing like corn,
climbing like
spiders on cocaine,
climbing with broken legs"

in the poem "Goodbye in August"


NEW Blood Pudding Press 2024 Poetry Chapbook! WHITE OCTOPUS by Davide Nixon!

"There’s an ocean
in my home
with panicky mussels
and undercurrents
filled with debonair boys
playing with
façade tarot."

in the poem June 13th

in the NEW Blood Pudding Press poetry chapbook,
WHITE OCTOPUS by Davide Nixon!

The first new Blood Pudding Press poetry chapbook of 2024, available in two different cover art options!

Find out more and acquire your copy in the  Blood Pudding Press shop HERE


NEW Poem in Buffalo 8! Juliet Cook's "Sleep Deprivation Becomes You"!

"Horror ice cream sauce.
Organ suckling. Dissected
froth. Cherry eyeball."

the first three lines of Juliet Cook's short poem, "Sleep Deprivation Becomes You", which is newly appearing in Volume 3 of buffalo 8


NEW! Juliet Cook's short poem "Sweet Tooth" is making an appearance in the new issue of Rogue Agent!

Juliet Cook is delighted to have her short haiku poem "Sweet Tooth" appearing in the NEW May issue 110 of Rogue Agent!

Wishing you all a happy and poetic May!

Partake of the latest issue of Rogue Agent HERE - http://www.rogueagentjournal.com/