
New Interview with Nicole Rollender about her Bone of My Bone chapbook and more

"When I write, I feel this whole gathering of things around me, memories, objects, words, things that are beautiful, other things that are grotesque. It’s this chaos, all these voices, so the idea is how do I inhabit multiple places, the earth, the afterlife as this creature who has a dual form? I think most people struggle with what their life on earth means. In this chapbook, there’s a reflection of that real questioning, and how we’re never really sure of anything—our place on earth, salvation, the meaning of suffering. It’s an ongoing internal struggle."
from another new interview with Blood Pudding Press poet Nicole Rollender, focusing on her new Blood Pudding Press chapbook, "Bone of My Bone" (and also her new Dancing Girl Press chapbook, "Absence of Stars" and more).
Read it at Axis of Abraxas (the Poetry Blog of Jessica Goodfellow) HERE - http://jessicagoodfellow.blogspot.jp/2015/09/interview-with-nicole-rollender.html

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