
New Review of Bone of My Bone by Nicole Rollender

The consistent onslaught of desolation through the eyes of womanhood is a moving experience for reader and writer alike. She highlights a world where bodies are seen as decrepit when mothers are unable to produce milk for their starving offspring, and similarly when their wombs are unable to provide a safe passage between pregnancy and birth. Rollender deals with gateways and passages, blurring the lines between birth, life and death, “A woman’s skin / is one world. The birth canal is another”, “The women who don’t bear children / are held down and singed with black lines before // they return to work in fields, skin a book / of illumination
-from a new review of the Blood Pudding Press poetry chapbook, "Bone of My Bone" by Nicole Rollender
-thank you kindly to Nathan Hassall and The Luxembourg Review
-procure your very own copy of Bone of My Bone from the Blood Pudding Press shop HERE - https://www.etsy.com/listing/244912275/new-bone-of-my-bone-by-nicole-rollender?ref=shop_home_feat_1

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