

Blood Pudding Press’s limited-edition print run of ‘BONE-BODICED’ by Rachel Kendall & Juliet Cook has sold out in less than a week. I will not be selling any more copies; however, if you were dying to get your creepy little phalanges on one and didn’t snatch fast enough, you still have a few options:

1. Email seinundwerden@gmail.com to find out if Rachel still has some available U.K. copies


2. Bribe me with an extra-delectable art trade ( as I said, I won’t be SELLING any more copies, but I could possibly be tempted to trade a copy for your chapbook or for one of your baby teeth painted blue). If you’re interested in extending such an offer, please feel free to email your notion to JulietX@Bust.com


3. Stay tuned for another new limited edition collaborative chapbook coming soon and in the meanwhile, feel free to lusciously bide your time with one (or more) of these other Blood Pudding Press offerings, listed here from most recent to least recent:

~ECTOPLASMIC NECROPOLIS, published April 2008 (an assortment of oozing, pulsing, biting, flaming poems from 30 different contributors)

~POORLY SPELLED MATING CALL, published March 2008 (Blood Pudding Press’s only non-poetry chapbook, an odd little pop cult document of sorts, a collection of weird and kinky and amusing personal ads culled by Justin Dauterman—only six copies left)

~w i n g’d, published February 2008 (a collection of animalistic, robotic, apocalyptic, tentacular poems by Kyle Simonsen)

~Planchette, published January 2008 (a collection of spooky, floaty, spidery, haunty poems by Juliet Cook)

~[GROWLING SOFTLY], published 2007 (an assortment of menacing, dancing, wailing, moaning poems from twenty-eight different contributors)

~Girl Gang, published 2007 (a collection of sassy, dangerous, sweet, violent, spiked poems by Juliet Cook)

~The Laura Poems, published 2006 (Blood Pudding Press’s very first offering, a collection of dark, strange poems about Lynch’s Laura Palmer by Juliet Cook)

All of the above are available for purchase, art trades, or as review copies.

For details and acquisitions, please visit http://www.bloodpuddingpress.etsy.com/.


Speaking of art trades, Emma Phillipps, a poet and publisher from New Zealand with whom I just did a chapbook swap, has posted a lovely blog entry on the subject of such swaps--and it even includes images of the two books I sent her, as well as a few other yummy looking books from other small presses. Check it out:


I am very much looking forward to receiving her books from Winterling Press.


I received Emma's chapbooks. They are charmingly designed and the contents are evocative in a strangely sparse yet ever so resonant way.

An excerpt:

"... One can never be pieces of you exist in
elsewhere and I cannot exist in these pieces
of you elsewhere. I am, and am not
dissatisfied, burgeoning
no longer finished, we who love to be
astonished in the 21st century
where I am pushed forward to the beginning
to hold, a flower
both the real thing and memory, where you are
there but also I see you over there.

Your way through, up close, up to the picture
plane and I will hold you and there
It seems as if your movements as we, who, as we
are - and - always slowing
like the growth of a tree, a flower
both the real thing and memory,

breathes too quick

drawing, too near

and this

we all live in one bed."

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