
New Reviews of Two 2104 Blood Pudding Press chapbooks (thank you to Lisa M. Cole)

"The best books raise questions in us, which Stick-Up definitely did for me. This chapbook is one of the most creative I have read so far this year...I see an entire novel in this tiny chapbook; it was that engrossing for me."

from Lisa M.Cole's review of Stick Up by Paul David Adkins (Blood Pudding Press, 2014)

read the rest here - http://moonglows-reviews.blogspot.com/2014/10/paul-david-adkins-stick-up.html?spref=fb

buy the chapbook here - https://www.etsy.com/listing/188110107/new-stick-up-by-paul-david-adkins-2014?ref=shop_home_feat_2


"There are some beautiful lines in this book that will stay with me for a long time. The poem Our Lady of Napalm, which is dedicated to Anne Sexton, especially stood out to me, not only because Sexton is one of my favorite poets, but because the lines here are so crystal clear, sharp, and evocative of so much emotion"

from Lisa M. Cole's review of They Talk About Death by Alessandra Bava (Blood Pudding Press, 2014) 

read the rest here - http://moonglows-reviews.blogspot.com/2014/10/alessandra-bavas-they-talk-about-death.html?spref=fb

buy the chapbook here - https://www.etsy.com/listing/195494626/new-they-talk-about-death-by-alessandra?ref=related-1


Reviewer Lisa M. Cole is also a poet, who also has a chapbook published by Blood Pudding Press, RENEGADE//HEART (2013) - https://www.etsy.com/listing/119192462/renegadeheart-by-lisa-mcole-2013-blood?ref=shop_home_active_3

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