
NEW! Juliet Cook is delighted to have four collaborative poems appearing in the latest issue of Misfit!

Delighted to have four collaborative poems appearing in the new Issue No. 38, Spring 2024 of Misfit!

Two poems by Daniel G. Snethen and me - and two poems by j/j hastain and me.

You can read them and many more poems HERE - http://misfitmagazine.net/archive/No-38/Cook.html

The last time she took You out,
the garbage man picked You up.
They tried recycling You
but your zinc hide would not cooperate.
You lacked both ductility and malleability.

Somehow, You taught yourself
how to glare at potting soil until it turned
into rotting oil, then fish gills, then a living fish
that needed a home in your bathtub. You locked
your mom out, replaced her with your new catfish.

in the poem "Retrogradation of You" by Juliet Cook and Daniel G. Snethen

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