
NEW! Juliet Cook is excited and delighted to have two poems appearing in the 20th anniversary issue of Sein und Werden!

Juliet Cook is excited and delighted to have two haiku poems appearing in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Sein und Werden! The theme of this issue is To Settle a Score and it's the 20th anniversary issue of this magazine! Here is one of her two poems, called "VIOLENT DREAD" and if you visit the link to the magazine (below the poem), it appears next to an art piece called "SELF-PORTRAIT (UNDEFINED HORROR)" by Julie Blankenship. I love the poem and art piece next to each other. ***

Every bit of depth
shot down into dread. Psycho
babbling brooks with hooks.
If internal angst
internally combusts, eyes
will explode. My head
a human-sized blood
bath of burnt dumplings. Sauced out.
Splattering your plate.
It's hard to believe that this is the 20th anniversary issue of Sein und Werden and that I've had creative work appearing in this literary magazine (on and off) ever since Sein und Werden began. Sein's creator, primary editor, and writer Rachel Kendall and I first got to know each other on xanga (a blog platform that hasn't existed for years). It's hard to keep a literary magazine alive for this long, so cheers to Rachel. This issue also includes some Interviews with Rachel, such as an Interview about The Storied History of Sein und Werden.
I shall stop my babbling for now, but again, I'm delighted to be included in this 20th anniversary issue and will place a link to the whole issue below...

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