
NEW Review of MUTANT NEURON CODEX SWARM (a collaborative poetry chapbook by Juliet Cook and Robert Cole, published earlier this year by Hyacinth Girl Press)

"Cook and Cole, two obvious masters of macabre surrealism take us on an imagistic roller-coaster journey through the blood-soaked progression of a transgressive nightmare, drowning in an over-abundant amount of love, lust, hate, sweat and tears. They open doors -- revealing wounds, skins and private atrocities – that should probably have been nailed shut and abandoned in the deepest bowels of memory, but by doing this they force the reader to not only journey with them through these horror-soaked pages, but also to journey inside themselves as the cataclysmic scenerios begin to seem all-too-familiar. This bawdy collection of expositions erupting with expletives of lust and frustration born of a stereotypically mundane obsessively co-dependent, self-destructive relationship is as intoxicating as opium, and just as addictive."
from a NEW Review of MUTANT NEURON CODEX SWARM , a collaborative poetry chapbook by Juliet Cook and Robert Cole.
The chapbook was published earlier this year by Hyacinth Girl Press.
The review was written by AJ Huffman and published earlier today by Sein und Werden.
You can read the review in its entirety here -http://www.kissthewitch.co.uk/seinundwerden/mutant.html
You can acquire yourself a copy of MUTANT NEURON CODEX SWARM here - http://hyacinthgirlpress.com/yearfour/mutantneuroncodexswarm.html

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