
Another New Interview with Nicole Rollender about her Bone of My Bone chapbook

"I’m drawn to the chapbook form because they’re tiny little countries that allow a poet to experiment and to also work through a theme or narrative arc in a smaller space. I actually put together Bone of My Bone specifically for the Blood Pudding Press 2015 Chapbook contest last December. I had been thinking about the theme for a little while, and felt that the subject matter was a good match for BPP, since I own several of its chapbook titles that embrace the spiritual, the mystical, the ghostly, the macabre, the day’s darker undersides. I know that my poetry isn’t for everyone – my longer book of hours poem was rejected from numerous journals. That’s partly why I used it as a skeleton or starting point for Bone of My Bone. Luckily BPP Publisher Juliet Cook liked the chapbook enough to select it as one of the Blood Pudding Press Chapbook Contest winners."

A snippet from another new interview with Nicole Rollender, regarding her new Blood Pudding Press poetry chapbook, "Bone of my Bone".

Thank you kindly to Nancy Chen Long for conducting this interview, which appears here - 

The chapbook itself can be acquired from the Blood Pudding Press shop here - https://www.etsy.com/listing/246781871/new-bone-of-my-bone-by-nicole-rollender?ref=shop_home_active_2

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