
FREE online version of Juliet Cook's poetry chapbook, The Rabbits With Red Eyes!

Hello there poetry friends and fans whoever you might be. Juliet Cook's poetry chapbook, "The Rabbits With Red Eyes" (published by Ethel Zine & Micro-Press in 2020) can now be read online for FREE here! - https://ethelzine.com/the-rabbits-with-red-eye

Simply click on that ethel zine link and then click on the red cover of the chapbook.


I can't even be in charge of my own body,
so what makes me think I can save anyone else.
He says I smell like pepper, but that doesn't mean I am
strong enough to fight back.

The pepper works itself into my eyes and blinds me,
but even if I am temporarily numbed,
I will never be like him, I will never tear others apart
for no reason other than brutal force.

All he wants to do is destroy
in order to feel like his body is stronger.

in the poem "Pepper" which appears in this chapbook.


ALSO, although the print copy of this chapbook is now SOLD OUT from Ethel, Cook has a few copies left, so if you might be interested in acquiring one of those few remaining print copies, you can check it out and/or grab one up in the Blood Pudding Press shop here - https://www.etsy.com/listing/792299569/the-rabbits-with-red-eyes-by-juliet-cook

But to reiterate, the new online version is totally free and here's a link to that free version again - https://www.ethelzine.com/the-rabbits-with-red-eyes.

Just click on that link and then click on the chapbook cover for The Rabbits With Red Eyes and you can read the poems for free.

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